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Floppyshop Gold CD 5

STATS: 769 Files, 41 Folders.
Download size: 250,176,099 bytes (250MB)

Part of the set of CDs that the world famous Atari ST PD library Floppyshop compiled holding their entire catalogue. This CD contains the following sections of their library: All of their ST Demos. The files are in MSA format which means you can use them directly in Steem, etc.

Floppyshop CD 5 Download Image

$3 USD €3 Euros £2 GBP
Please click "Add to Cart" in the currency you wish to pay in
All downloads are single ZIP files. They contain all of the original CDs contents.
Please note that you can just un-zip them onto your hard drive,
you do not need burn to CD first.

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