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Special Forces
Publisher: Microprose     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1992

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Genres : Action / Military / Shoot-em-up / Strategy

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ST Format
# 33 - Apr 92

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Darkbee wrote ...2002-05-18 06:58:35
The was indeed a great game to play. The thing that really added to the uniqueness of the game was the ability to get your 4 guys to do things on their own and control them individually. I also had immense fun planting timed explosives all over the shop and detonating them simultaneously and watching the carnage! This was later replaced for me by the excellent Seal Team on the PC (in proper 3D) but still a very good game.
Ian Perrett wrote ...2001-12-03 07:17:47
This is one of the best games i have ever played, equiping ur 4 men with guns and bombs glory before walking around quailty levels killing all enemy soldiers and destroying Scud missiles and buildings, Brilliant !!!!!