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F-19 Stealth Fighter
Publisher: Microprose     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1990

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Genres : 3D / Flight Simulator / Military / Strategy

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# 54 - Aug 90
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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt_B wrote ...2006-09-04 12:14:29
A great flight sim with a huge range of missions and ordinance you could choose from. It was strong on graphics, with lots of detail in places, and a high frame rate. The flight model was a bit suspect (perhaps what you'd expect for a nonexistant plane though), the enemies were strangely weak even at high difficulty levels, and there were one or two nasty bugs as well. Still, that didn't take away much from it. The first game I bought for my ST and one that I still dig out for a blast every once in a while.
Grunaki wrote ...2006-05-31 00:12:38
My God, how I loved this game! At 14 years old I used to get up on a Saturday morning and play this for hours.. I even used to re-boot it now and again to hear the digitized intro music on the title screen (sad, I know.. :-S ). Half the time I didn't stick to the missions and just used to blow shit up - it was fun to load up on Paveways and Rockeye IIs, take off from your carrier and let the bastard have it ! ):-D. This is definately a contender for my all-time favourite ST game, with Pirates! and Carrier Command coming in around the same level.. (Two Microprose games in there - what a great company! :-) ).
Carl619 wrote ...2004-09-25 16:00:57
i never played this cos i was too young to understand it. but i remember my dad wos hooked on it and just wanted to see what other ppl thought about it, to see what the hype wos about!!!
Samme wrote ...2003-04-15 17:36:17
This was my number one favorit game, and Lotus Espirit!
davidpoole wrote ...2003-02-21 08:25:48
cjm, the enemy probably didnt shoot you because you where 'invisible'! ;O)
Stevie B wrote ...2003-02-13 03:07:43
God I spent hours on this game....I lost half of my youthful years thanks to this game.....I found most of Microprose flight sims to be similar in looks and gameplay but hell, when you`ve got a winning format then why change?
Ben Bowen wrote ...2003-01-18 11:57:10
Even today, I still haven't enjoyed any flight sim as much than this one. This thing took up a lot of my early teenage years (almost as much as Frontier: Elite 2)!
Jimbo wrote ...2003-01-15 07:17:35
This was the game that made me want a 16 bit computer so badly. I did get 'Project Stealth' for my C64, which was essentially the C64 version of this game. I once got the Congressional Medal of Honour on the C64 version, but never on the ST or Amiga versions. And yes, put it on 'Easy Landings' and even the aircraft carriers are a doddle.
Cjm wrote ...2002-07-28 18:25:12
good game but buggy.. the enemy planes would not shoot at you.. I called Mprose and they about as much said "Too bad"
Scoops wrote ...2002-06-21 18:53:20
The main difference with this one was you spent most of your time avoiding conflict and dodging radar. Good graphics which created a fairly solid world in which to fly. I actually found landing quite a bit easier in this game than any other flight sim I tried on the ST!
Mark Ashford wrote ...2002-01-10 06:40:48
I agree with Kwong below, but I always had real problems landing on the aircraft carrier. Nothing worse than killing all the enemies, bombing all the targets and then crashing at the end of the mission!
Kwong wrote ...2001-12-30 19:53:08
When F19 Stealth Fighter was released, it was the best flight simulation for a long while, though Microprose released F-15 II Strike Eagle which was essentially the same game with more flying area and some minor improvements. You could pilot a therotical F19 Stealth fighter or at the time the classified F117. Choosing which plane to fly had almost no barring on the gameplay what so ever. Unlike many of the flight sims out there at the time and as the title of the game entailed, most of your flying time is spent evading SAM sites, radars and enemy fighters. It was a lot of fun trying to knocked down the jets that spotted you whilst evading other jets and groound radar sites.