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music by clicking a file below

FilenameFile Size (bytes)Player Required
Gemini Wing_08.ym647ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_09.ym1279ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_16.ym1586ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_01.ym1859ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_03.ym2053ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_14.ym434ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_15.ym694ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_02.ym976ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_11.ym1741ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_06.ym408ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_07.ym2631ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_10.ym1061ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_12.ym416ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_05.ym690ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_04.ym577ST Sound Player
Gemini Wing_13.ym459ST Sound Player

How Do I Listen To This Music?

There are 3 different types of music available from LGD. The first are YM files which you listen to with
Leonard's ST Sound Player. The second are MOD files which you can listen to with any decent mod player
such as MOD Plug. The third are SC68 files which require the SC68 plugin for Winamp (or xmms)

3 recommended players Where To Download The Players

Which Is The Best?

You'll often see duplicate music files but if you can get them, the SC68 files offer the best clarity and replay quality of ST music around.

Streaming Audio?

There are some Internet radio stations that feature Atari ST game music (as well as other great tracks) which you can listen to with any mp3 player supporting Internet streams (i.e. Winamp, iTunes, Media Player, etc). The best radio stations are: Nectarine and Kohina.