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Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
Publisher: Gremlin Graphics     Developer: Magnetic Fields
Year of release: 1990

Box scan missing - can you help? Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge Click here to listen to the music from Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge on-line
Genres : Racing

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# 26 - Nov 90
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# 18 - Jan 91
There is a sequel to this game called Lotus Turbo Challenge 2

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

adam payne wrote ...2006-09-27 08:52:44
Another Magentic Fields classic and it should be in everyone's collection!
Denise wrote ...2006-08-02 10:22:17
Just re-bought this, as my original bit the dust (as did the Atari - God bless eBay). Blast from the past - and still the best racing game ever, game-play wise. Fond memories of trying to eat hot pizza and race at the same time - didn't find PAUSE (f10) until we'd been playing for months. Posted by one who is now the mother of a 21 year old....
Matt Bailey wrote ...2006-03-17 08:50:28
Only had the demo for this but what a great racer! Outrunish update with good graphics & great 2 player mode.
Stuart McG wrote ...2004-04-17 14:26:09
I would agree that this one is slighly superior to both the sequals and i argued with my best friend over this at the time so i'm pleased others prefer this one too. the look and feel was just a bit better and the lap style gameplay meant it felt more like a race
zx_b wrote ...2004-04-15 16:38:41
the third one was the best!
Ragstaff wrote ...2004-01-08 00:31:38
Something about Lotus I was better than than either of the sequels. I played this game to death. One fault with this game - you could be doing top speed, and just hit a sign on a corner, and it would slow you down. Worse, your car would veer in the direction of the obstacle, which would plough you into more signs. And lastly, it seemed that when you slowed down after running into something, cars would come pass and side-swipe you and slow you down more. I almost burst my 10yr old brain in rage at this :-) But despite this fault, the game made you want to play it and simply learn not to hit anything. I think I got the best possible time on some of the tracks - where I had my finger on the throttle and didn't hit anything for the entire race, sometimes rolling over the finish line after running out of fuel. You'd always get the same race time, down to the microsecond, so yeah, I don't think those can be beaten :-)
Wim Tubbax wrote ...2003-06-02 15:07:01
A classic!
Stevie B wrote ...2003-02-13 03:26:30
Oh jeez another game that me and my bro in law played to death....we used to spend like 5 hours straight on this....I remember we had those old comeptition pro joysticks and after 5 hours of keeping the fire button pressed (for the accelerator) my thumb felt like it was going to drop off!! I thought the sequels were just as good as the original....we played all three of them to death.
Jonathan Thomas wrote ...2002-05-02 18:57:59
This one still holds it's own against today's arcade racers, and in my opinion surpasses the inferior sequels by some distance. The two player mode takes some beating. Just watch out for the unnecessarily track obstacles which can turn a victory into a last-place crawl home with one careless mistake.
Bogdan wrote ...2002-04-22 17:20:28
I loved this game, I use to play it for hours on end. Great graphics and good gameplay.
Bogdan wrote ...2002-04-22 17:12:59
Bogdan wrote ...2002-04-22 17:12:07
Nie bêdê siê rozpisywaæ, bo i tak nie zrozumiecie.
Richard Perry wrote ...2001-11-23 10:26:38
I loved this game, I use to play it for hours on end. Great graphics and good gameplay.