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Publisher: Image Works     Developer: Sensible Software
Year of release: 1991

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet
Artist : Jon Hare    

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ST Format
# 27 - Oct 91

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt_B wrote ...2006-09-05 07:42:31
An excellent god game and well on a par with Populous 2. It's not even in the same league as Civilization for me though, but there's not much shame in that.
Bornagainst wrote ...2004-11-17 14:39:57
absolutely great samples - and very fast, considering they were loaded from the disk. Funny and addictive. 'We've NUKED them!'
NeckBrace wrote ...2004-10-13 15:15:36
I prefer Civ, but this is great as well. Adds some much-needed humour and imagination to the sttrategy genre, with some genuinely original and clever ideas.
Jimbo wrote ...2003-01-14 12:08:35
"Do you want to be on my side?" Marvellous stuff.
kevin mair wrote ...2002-07-14 10:23:50
urgenomically terrific
BadMrFrosty wrote ...2002-06-10 19:37:53
This was a very different game to Civilisation - more pick up and playable! I'm not saying it's better, just different! Another Sensible classic!
^^Snoop^^ wrote ...2002-02-08 06:02:13
Great game. In my opinion Civ was better, but its between MegaLoMania and Powermonger for second best god sim.
Artur wrote ...2002-02-08 01:35:40
Very good strategy, I like to nuke computers its so cool :) This game glues you to the monitor for hours and you forget about the world around.
Feige wrote ...2002-01-24 07:24:50
Yes! Besides Populous II the best strategy-game on ST! But you cannot compare them... I never managed to get past that level when the enemies attack you with hundrets of UFOs...
Redshift wrote ...2001-12-11 10:13:01
Excellent resource managment/conquest game. The voice samples were the best I ever heard on the ST. I loved the way you advanced through the epochs and playing around in the nuclear age was great fun. Mining the elements was fun too and they had such strange names, (like Marmite and Valium, heh). You must play this game!
robin wrote ...2001-11-14 06:58:27
no this is beter than civilisation
Ant wrote ...2001-11-06 17:22:56
Best god game apart from civilisation