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New Zealand Story
Publisher: Ocean     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line New Zealand Story Click here to listen to the music from New Zealand Story on-line
Genres : Platform
Musician : Jonathan Dunn    

Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of ST Format
ST Format
# 3 - Oct 89
Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of The One
The One
# 10 - Jul 89

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

bazfan wrote ...2004-01-15 19:29:49
me and my uncle played this for hours on the c64, he once wacked all the keys in frustration which then triggered of an infinate lifes cheat, was an accident and god knows how he did it, but we could'nt get it to work again.anyway the st version plays exactly like it, but wheres the little map on the 16bit versions.
Selurtsirata wrote ...2003-09-23 20:27:57
I had this title once and fell in love with it (those cute little munchins) But my brother traded it with his friend and they fell out. I never saw it again......... sniff.
Alex F. wrote ...2003-03-12 12:48:56
Simply a great game. But even though cheating I never got past a level where I didn't find an exit... Anyway I liked the music very much :)
Sam Pointer wrote ...2003-02-07 11:38:52
Classic. 'Nuff said.
AJ Perkins wrote ...2003-01-26 14:10:05
this came was cool and cute at the same time. I remember that in the box that the game came in was an envelope with OPEN IN AN EMERGANCY written on it, and inside the envelope was a cheat to get unlimited lives... I never completed it though coz there was a hellava hard enemy.... but I will try again... i'm older (22) and wiser now...
bazfan wrote ...2002-04-23 19:17:37
i loved the music to this game,still do.its a pretty good platformer to,me and my uncle loved playing this game.
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-06 14:21:09
came out as I was getting into playing computer games, so I have fond memories of this game, but it was good fun to play (probably still is, but I'm too lazy to load up the rom ;P)
bazfan wrote ...2001-12-19 18:16:12
yeah that code was also difficult for games mags to type as well
Haakan AAkerblad wrote ...2001-11-22 15:40:52
my first "original" game. played it very much, nice graphics. type "motherfuckenkiwibastard" when loading. wonder who came up with that when making the game.