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Ninja Warriors
Publisher: Sales Curve     Developer: Random Access
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Ninja Warriors Click here to listen to the music from Ninja Warriors on-line
Genres : Beat-em-up
Musician : Tony Williams    

Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of The One
The One
# 15 - Dec 89
Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of ST Format
ST Format
# 6 - Jan 90

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Howard John Dell wrote ...2011-07-13 08:44:49
A crap game. Lacked gameplay. Not worth a go. Bad conversion.
Mento wrote ...2004-06-21 12:44:18
This got very difficult towards the end (tank boss anyone?) but my friend and I managed to complete it eventually (without the snow white cheat). I preferred this to Shinobi, if only for the two player option and better graphics.
K.T wrote ...2002-02-14 06:53:18
This was an accurate conversion of the arcade. Gets quite difficult on the later levels. Sales Curve's load "on the fly" engine did wonders for their fast paced arcade games.
Kristoffer wrote ...2002-01-21 11:04:05
I loved this ninja game. The graphics where great and the sound even better!