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Police Quest 2
Publisher: Sierra On-line     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Box scan missing - can you help? Police Quest 2 Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Graphical Adventure

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Atari ST User
Jun 89

There is a prequel to this game called Police Quest in pursuit of the Death Angel

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

David Hunsaker wrote ...2003-04-24 04:10:02
These Police Quest games just could not hold my attention for very long but i have to say that they were very neat.
callenord wrote ...2002-09-21 05:19:37
This is the best Sierra game ever, and one of the few I managed to complete ;)
Timothy Brooks wrote ...2002-03-03 13:48:28
This game was great! After SQIII, i daresay it's Sierra's best game ever. The music was fantastic, and the personal touches were wonderful. It was generally very realistic and cut out most of the cop-show elements that PQI suffered from. Really fun.
Mark Ashford wrote ...2002-01-10 09:10:20
This was a good adventure, but pretty difficult. Did anyone manage to defuse the bomb in the plane? I never got past that bit ...