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Ignore PD/Shareware games
Publisher: Electronic Arts     Developer: Bullfrog
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : Link-Up / Simulation / Strategy

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The One
# 7 - Apr 89
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ST/Amiga Format
# 10 - Apr 89
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Atari ST User
May 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Grunaki wrote ...2009-10-07 11:54:45
Amazing game! Played this one for ages.. Then got the 'Promised Lands'! :-D
ichichich75 wrote ...2007-05-14 15:23:25
Hmm I remember Populous with mixed feelings. Of course the idea and concept were brilliant, and the first levels were thrilling and all that, but I thought in later levels it often happened to be unfair. Like your possibilities were badly limited while the PC player could do everything... it's such a think that I dislike. Plus the computer got real slow in some of the crowded levels so all your actions were delayed. Again a big advantage for the computer player. That's this kind of unfairness that I do not like in games. Multiplayer battles via serial link were the bomb though.
simchevelu wrote ...2003-06-17 08:44:15
So many hours spent on this brillant game. A MUST HAVE!
craig walker wrote ...2003-02-18 20:53:07
all time classic, failed most of my GCSE EXAMS because of this bad boy
Feige wrote ...2002-02-10 15:42:50
There's only ONE game which is definately better than Populous: Populous II !!!
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-16 00:45:09
Yeah brillian stuff.
yprbest wrote ...2001-12-21 11:40:47
Wow! I'm surprised that this is the first comment for this wonderful game! Anyway, this is worth getting simply for the fact that it was the first ever Godgame, and I would call it a 'Classic' game... however, I wouldn't call it an ST Classic, due to the simple fact that it wasn't an Atari exclusive... more than worth having in you collection though! Two thumbs up!