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Bad Company
Publisher: Logotron     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Box scan missing - can you help? Bad Company Click here to listen to the music from Bad Company on-line
Genres : Action / Shoot-em-up
Programmer : Steve Bak     Artist : Pete Lyon     Musician : David Whittaker    

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ichichich75 wrote ...2007-05-14 13:34:53
Like others here I only owned the demo version of Bad Company, and played it over and over again. It was somehow addictive, somehow "different" and somehow just cool. As was the David Whitaker soundtrack. Thanks to online auctions I finally own the full version YAY! Should try to finish it soon :)
Marchocias wrote ...2004-07-17 03:09:58
I remember a friend bought a re-release version of this game. As soon as the game started, your energy drained to zero and you died... There was nothing you could do to stop it! This bug happened on every ST we tried it on, and it was even mentioned in a magazine review. I don't know what they did to the re-release version, but they really should have playtested it ;)
Tom Wellicome wrote ...2002-12-22 16:31:11
Er awful, slow, clunky and not a patch on Space Harrier (well the first one at least!) ;-)
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-15 06:12:53
I have so many memories of playing Bad Company. I remember that my brother used to have a demo version of this game on one disk. I always did good by completing the first mission over and over again back in 1990. That was when my brother used to own an Atari ST computer. I never realized that there was a full version of this game until I tried out the version on Automation compact disk 225. I saw the title of the game on the menu had in parenthesis underneath it saying "Release Version". That caught my attention. I tried it out and I saw that this version had music and better sound quality than on the demo version. I got the chance to see all kinds of other levels that I never saw. Since the music for the music was done by David Whittaker, I noticed how great the music sounded. David Whittaker did a lot of great music tunes for many Atari ST classics. What's also true is that Bad Company is much easier than Space Harrier. You walk instead of flying through areas so fast like on Space Harrier. I am so good on this game that I can go through a lot of levels and get high scores. On the fifth mission (I think), I failed on that one because it got harder. I also noticed that there's three things in the world with the name "Bad Company." They are the name of this game, the name of a band and the name of a movie. I thought that it was so cool knowing about three things with that same name. All in all, Bad Company is a great game to play and it's also an Atari ST classic. Try out this game today! One last thing. Bad Company can be found on Automation compact disks 190 and 225 and Federation of Free Traders (FOFT) compact disk 30.
Flip Martian wrote ...2002-08-13 08:10:16
Yup, I got the demo first, then bought it. Comments as per Richard, but just to add the soundtrack was pretty good as well I think (David Whitaker was it?). The shooting action was top class...and I never liked Space Harrier...
Richard Davey wrote ...2002-01-19 09:56:30
Oh and it's NOTHING like Space Harrier other than the fact you walk "into" the landscape (you don't fly and the game is actually quite GOOD unlike Space Harrier)
Richard Davey wrote ...2002-01-19 09:55:49
Do not under-estimate just how much fun this game is! It's a very very good blaster indeed. I first played it as a cover disk demo and was hooked, shooting away for hours, the full thing is even better. Smooth scrolling, frantic shooting and nice graphics. Worth checking out.
bazfan wrote ...2002-01-09 17:52:31
fuck me its a space harrier rip off