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Rambo 3
Publisher: Ocean     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Rambo 3 Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Action / Movie License
Musician : Jonathan Dunn    

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The One
# 4 - Jan 89

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Violent_Cat wrote ...2004-07-23 01:36:32
Well this game i remember was so bad i have never liked it just skip it its better for ya ;)
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-10-27 02:47:41
Rambo III was a game I remember playing so much back in 1990. I used to play it often and would kill so many soldiers. I always hated it when they saw me and started shooting at me. On the way, I would find items like first aid kits, arrows and other things. I remembered one part where I would die when trying to open the metal door that leads outside because it was an electric door. What you have to do to disable it, is find the room that has a switch on the left side. When you press it, it will disappear. I also used to keep pushing on the switch to make that "ding" go on and on for kicks and for a laugh. Sometimes this game can get very frustrating when you die and then you have to start all over again. Just make sure that you have enough first aid kits with you so can recover your health quickly in case of an emergency. Overall, this game is a lot of fun and I still play it today. Rambo III can be found on Automation compact disk 47 and Zuul compact disk 38.
ToYotis wrote ...2003-09-27 16:44:15
Rambo III can be downloaded from Automation disk 47 (ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/atari/games/Automation/A_047.ST). This game does something very odd with the disk at the end of the first level and freezes up, so you will need Steem (v2.6+) to apply Rambo III Patch. You can also use my map at http://www.geocities.com/yotisRX7/RamboIII.html . It shows the way to finish the first to levels. For the third (and final level) I recommend to use Steem with Slow Motion. It is the cheat to complete the game!
Tomasz wrote ...2002-02-16 20:05:23
Well, a truly boring game. You have to run around and to kill as many russians as possible. The scrolling is crap. The graphix are crap. It's better to sleep than to play this game... ssss.....
Maarten (ST Graveyard) wrote ...2001-11-18 08:22:48
The biggest suckfest ever! Dull, dull, dull...Don't try this at home kids!!!