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Return of the Jedi
Publisher: Domark     Developer: Consult Computer Systems
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Return of the Jedi Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Action / Coin-op Conversion / Movie License / Sci-fi

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The One
# 3 - Dec 88

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Grunaki wrote ...2006-05-31 00:25:44
Of the 3 arcade games I think this was about number 2 for me.. I loved the original Star Wars arcade game, but TESB was too samey... This was pretty good though, although the ST version wasn't the greatest conversion.. Plus it saved the high scores to disk and they corrupted on my copy and I could never fix them.. :-(
Matt Bailey wrote ...2006-03-22 03:51:32
This game should & could of been far better! The voice overs were cool but the game seemed to spiral into an endless circle of repeated levels after 4! Try Empire or Deathstar text adventure for a less annoying conversion.
theoriginalsteve wrote ...2006-03-14 06:25:02
Hmmm... I liked it... Prefered the Starwars wireframe game though...
bazfan wrote ...2004-01-17 18:08:00
you cannot escape ur destiny,you must face darth vader again.
Kwong Wah wrote ...2002-05-03 16:49:48
A pretty standard shoot em up which used an isometric view rather than the 2d views most games used on the ST. Other than that there was nothing much special about the game aside some of the voice overs which was rather neat
PmcG wrote ...2002-04-30 07:24:19
Please if anyone has this ROM send it to me Please please eccles_is_a_liar@hotmail.com
bazfan wrote ...2002-02-01 16:10:35
this is a poor conversion of an average arcade game, me i am waiting for the gamecubes rogue squadron2 , oh yeah baby