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Saint Dragon
Publisher: Sales Curve     Developer: Random Access
Year of release: 1990

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Genres : Coin-op Conversion / Shoot-em-up

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The One
# 25 - Oct 90
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ST Format
# 16 - Nov 90

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Martin S. Thoresen wrote ...2002-01-29 12:22:36
ST Action Summary: From the minute you load Saint Dragon, you know your going to have fun. Horizontally scrolling shot'em-ups are nothing new. However, the way Saint Dragon loads in the enemies as you progress makes for frantic non-stop arcade action. The graphics are near arcade perfect, but the sound seems to become a little muffled when there's a lot going on. The joystick controls are well implemented and weapon power-up system is easy to get to grips with. Rating = 81 %
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-06 15:20:02
excellent shoot-em-up.... with an st first (as far as I know.. but what do I know).. it LOADED AS YOU PLAYED!.... it was good to play too... oh.. and the demo (dunno about the game.. got it hacked ;P) work on ST and amiga ( I know starglider II did it first...)... but anyways, I'll shut up now
Psycho Kevin wrote ...2001-12-30 08:30:04
Woww, this is a funny game,!!!