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Space Quest 3 - The Pirates of Pestulon
Publisher: Sierra On-line     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Screen Shot Required Click here to listen to the music from Space Quest 3 - The Pirates of Pestulon on-line
Genres : Graphical Adventure / Sci-fi

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ST Format
# 4 - Nov 89

There is a prequel to this game called Space Quest 2

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Benjamin Lindelof wrote ...2006-01-02 18:45:43
SuperGAU disk 701: Disk 1, SuperGAU disk 699: Disk 2, SuperGAU disk 700: Disk 3. This combination works great.
Benjamin Lindelof wrote ...2006-01-02 00:54:37
Automation's SQ3 gives an "Out of Handles" error when you try to open the hatch to the Aluminum Mallard. "Space Quest 3 v1.0q (1989)(Sierra)(Disk 1 of 2).st" asks for Disk 3 when you try to visit Monolith Burger. 4 disk sets are required to get this working, either Vectronix or SuperGAU. I'll test the 4 disk sets when Atari Legends FTP is back up.
LFB wrote ...2003-01-25 04:56:59
One thing I always liked about the Space Quest games were their often crazed sense of humour. Astro Chicken was way too much fun! This one was easily the best of the three that appeared on the ST.
Andy D wrote ...2002-12-10 14:06:42
First of the sierra adventures i ever played and got me hooked. Loved it!! Apart from the fact astro chicken was just a laugh. If you like this try the original hero's quest as well. The old sierra games were amazing. Far prefer them to the new ones. They lost something when they redid a lot of them with the point 'n' click interface. Larry lost all his style when they 'comiced' his appearance. And police quest went from fun and challenging to god knows where (police quest 4 anyone?)