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Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
Publisher: Renegade     Developer: Bitmap Brothers
Year of release: 1990

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe Click here to listen to the music from Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe on-line
Genres : Action / Sci-fi / Sports
Artist : Dan Malone    

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# 26 - Nov 90
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# 18 - Jan 91

There is a prequel to this game called Speedball

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Bornagainst wrote ...2004-11-16 22:15:28
Utter Genius of a game, will forever be in my top 10 games ever. favourite player? - Norman - all the way. I paid £30 back then for a top notch joystick, and Snapped the shaft playing a game against my best mate. Really made the ST shine, and I absolutely prefer the ST version to the amiga version. One of my favourite moments? - having Every Single Member of the opposition taken off at least once on a stretcher - easy points!
wIZBURF wrote ...2004-08-03 09:52:15
"ice cream !" "ice cream !"
Lee Tennant wrote ...2004-01-01 08:11:26
A classic Bitmap Brothers game. I liked 2 much more than 1. I like the way you can take the goal keeper down with th hot ball.
kametyken wrote ...2003-06-29 05:57:16
If you like this game check www.gods-country.de for more infos about Speedball 2 and all other Classics made by The Bitmap Brothers.
simchevelu wrote ...2003-06-17 08:52:38
Action, fun, speed, violence and a nice multiplayer mode. Everything was there for the game becoming a legend !
SubZero wrote ...2003-05-13 09:32:24
Another amazing Bitmap Brothers game that i am still enjoying to this moment!!! Great idea !!!
Stevie B wrote ...2003-02-13 03:49:01
oh and btw...darkbee you`re absolutely right....nation 12 did do the music for sbII (and many other BB games)...I used to love their music....they did the music for Chaos Engine too....now there was another no-messing Bitmap Bros classic
Stevie B wrote ...2003-02-13 03:46:06
Just to re-iterate what everyone else says....this game still more than holds its own against even todays games (shame on the new generation of developers, look what you can do if you try!!!)...this was an out and out classic. The gfx were top notch, the gameplay smooth as a baby`s bum....and yes, that music was worth turning your ST on for even if you did`nt fancy playing the game.....put quite simply, this game will NEVER be beaten by anyone on any format. Period.
Slone wrote ...2003-01-30 13:16:28
One of my favorite games, and not because it was violent, but because there were a lot a strategies to develop, depending on the players you would buy, the characterestics you would enhance, the type of game you would play (collect the money ? Injure as many players you can ? Score as much as you can ? etc.) Definitely a load of fun. The only thing I found really annoying was the music. It's true that the Amiga version was more appealing, but the fun was definitely in the Atari ST version too.
Jimbo wrote ...2003-01-14 12:12:55
This had the funkiest intro music of any game.
bazfan wrote ...2002-11-12 14:19:47
This was never in the arcades,ever. but however, the AMIGA version was mucho better.
Maarten (ST Graveyard) wrote ...2002-11-12 06:08:31
Arcade version? What are you talking about?
The Estee wrote ...2002-11-12 05:03:42
The ST version of this game is the closest to the original arcade version. In fact, no game consol has even gotten close to the ST port of this classic. BUT IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT!!! But it kicks ass!
Karadoc wrote ...2002-09-06 18:29:35
Mindless violence? Bah! It's sport! ;) I still chalange my brother to game of this every now and again, 11 years after we got it...
Darkbee wrote ...2002-05-18 09:24:19
Now this for me was far better than Xenon II could ever be. Absolute mindless violence at its best. Of course being a Bitmap Bros game it had all you'd come to expect in terms of graphics and sound and the music just got you ready to kill someone before you'd even started (incidentally I think the music was by Nation 12 if memory serves). Quite a hard game, I was quite happy to win any games in the top division but excellently addictve gameplay.
Kwong Wah wrote ...2002-05-03 17:05:20
It's sickening to think that this game still tops my playlist of games when many of todays games on the PC or consoles is all about looks and next to no orignality what so ever. Though the game is short, it was the most fun one could have sitting in from of a computer. Perhaps my crowning achievement in this game was knocking Super Nashan's three central players out cold two times each (three for the goaliee) in a single match and holding them goaless at the same time. This was another game I wrecked a few hoysticks playing this to death.
Peter de Man wrote ...2002-04-25 06:56:24
After playing speedball 1, I encountered speedball 2. I still play it today on my 1024/520 ST. I front of the TV with some friends. The multiplayer gameplay is super. but also singleplayer is realy good (complete seasons with save options! and upgrading/trading players) if you like handball/fighting/pinball PLAY THIS! its all in 1. and the gameidea and gameplay is realy good. Also it runs smooth. nothing but good words for this game.
Feige wrote ...2002-02-12 16:14:50
Yes, a really nice game. I like playing it because I always won :-)
Tony McChrystal wrote ...2002-02-09 21:43:23
There is a downside to this game...after about 30 seconds of play cramp sets in! Superb gane...far better than its PS2 revival.
[Cecil] wrote ...2002-02-08 17:21:39
The game itself was fantastic, but I used to load this just so I could listen to the theme song for a good hour or so.. whoever wrote that MOD rendition has my eternal thanks. :
Simon Ulfsbäcker wrote ...2001-12-28 07:14:59
Played this til my fingers bled :)
^^Snoop^^ wrote ...2001-12-26 13:51:19
Superb game, one of my all time favourites.
Voodoo wrote ...2001-11-13 17:54:35
Bitmap Brothers.....nuff said!
Jay Harris wrote ...2001-11-13 13:12:23
I still play this one today...never beaten and will never b bettered!!
Ant wrote ...2001-11-06 17:27:47
Gameplay was different to Speedball, now better just the same 100%. With the added bonus of buying cool hard ass players with scras and robot eyes. What the hell was and is everybody else doing, this is how games should be made.
James Fredericks wrote ...2001-11-05 15:24:57
Like the other guy said, the Bitmap Brothers Rule! Any game made by these guys is awesome. I really loved this game. Great graphics and fast gameplay. You could upgrade your players as you won money. A couple other great games by the Bitmap Brothers are Magic Pockets, Cadaver, and especially cool was Gods.
guy ross wrote ...2001-11-05 15:06:18
fun game. although it would nearly always end in a fight (happens when u play it with cheating basts X( )
Maarten (ST Graveyard) wrote ...2001-11-05 04:41:16
An awesome (multiplayer) game! Loads of action, loads of violence! Great graphics and sound, but what did you expect! The Bitmap Brothers rule!