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Beverly Hills Cop
Publisher: Tynesoft     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1990

Box scan missing - can you help? Beverly Hills Cop Click here to listen to the music from Beverly Hills Cop on-line
Genres : Action / Movie License

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ST Format
# 8 - Mar 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

bazfan wrote ...2004-06-23 18:37:42
crap game, crap gfx, and that warbling rendition of the axel-f theme. oh my god.
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-11-16 02:41:16
Beverly Hills Cop can be found on Fuzion compact disk 14, Federation of Free Traders (FOFT) compact disk 48, Automation compact disk 347 and Zuul compact disk 9.
Guus wrote ...2002-03-15 20:02:06
Nice try, but this one is hardly playable. This game features at least 4 levels (I didn't bother playing the last level to the end). The first level is an arcade style shoot'em up - you walk to the right, and guys keep popping up from, trying to shoot you. Shooting is extremely difficult, aiming is hard. The only nice touch is the enemy that throws dynamite, that comes popping in once in a while. The second level is something like testdrive - you're sitting in your car, and you have to destroy three trucks by shooting at them. Gameplay is horrible, your car is practically unstearable. Next, you enter the garden of some house, you have to get in. You're looking at a top-down angle, and you're moving there where you're aiming - which has the nasty effect of you walking into the enemie's line of fire. The forth level is a 3d maze, first person view. Think wolfenstein, but without any textures. There is *some* opposition, which you can blast away with a shotgun with endless ammo. The maze is huge, however, and the map you create while exploring cannot be zoomed, which renders it practically useless. In the end, you'll find a lift, that leads to the next floor, with another maze. I stopped playing at the 4th floor - it just gets boring.