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Super Cars
Publisher: Gremlin Graphics     Developer: Magnetic Fields
Year of release: 1991

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Super Cars Click here to listen to the music from Super Cars on-line
Genres : Action / Racing

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# 17 - Feb 90
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# 27 - Oct 91

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

zx_b wrote ...2004-04-15 16:37:01
Steve Hall wrote ...2003-09-13 05:19:00
This game was easily one of my favourites.... I've even got one of the tunes as a polyphonic ringtone......I know thats really sad.....lol. I loved annoying that car salesman, and switching the lights off in the shop.... The sequel sucked, sorry, but it really did.
ToYotis wrote ...2003-03-24 19:16:53
You can download the game from ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/atari/games/Automation/A_229.ST I'm so glad, I can play this amazing game after many years, thanks to internet. Not even my game distributer could not find it!
Feige wrote ...2002-02-19 06:14:02
Why the hell isn't it possible to play this great game with two players????? Argh! But it's still miles better than Super Cars 2...
Klaus Hafemann wrote ...2001-12-21 08:35:06
This is the first one of two Super Cars games. This one concentrates more on actual driving, while SC II has more features like missiles, mines, etc. incorporated, with which you can blow up the competing drivers, as well as more complicated courses. Both, Super Cars I and II, are really good fun, and even in the age of Athlons and Pentium 4s I find myself playing these games once in a while. What I really like about Super Cars I is the way the car moves. It´s more realistic than in SC II, and as soon as you´ve learnt it, you can steer the car in a quite exact manner. The graphics and sound were OK for the year it came out, I suppose. The only thing I´ve been missing is a two player mode. But well, you can´t have everything. The conversations with the guy who sells you better cars than the one you´ve got are nice as well (Tip: He likes green socks :-). With every race, the cars of your competitors become better (and more!), so you´ll have to get yourself a fast one, too, although it IS possible to win all races in the first level with the basic model you start with (but give it a treat, go to the shop and buy it a little turbo boost). As you pass on to the fast models, you´ll see that it´s more difficult to get around tight corners with them. A "power steering" might come in handy. Personally, I´d give this game a nine out of ten, because it´s caused me and a friend loads of fun, is neither too easy nor too difficult and manages to stay interesting for quite a while. Try it out and see for yourself! P.S.: For the cheaters among you who don´t have a cracked version with the following information supplied, here´s a little hint: For unlimited money, try POOR as the username, to get into level 2, try ODIE.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2001-11-07 17:00:30
The sequel is much better except for parts of the graphics.