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Publisher: Gainstar     Developer: Silmarils
Year of release: 1989

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Bloodstone2k wrote ...2004-08-21 18:23:44
I remember visiting a local computer shop that had this game running on one of the machines. I was so impressed by it that I bought it on the spot. The graphics on this game were beautiful and varied. As I remember, this had digitized sound which (at the time) sounded great. The load times were HORRIBLE and the controls left something to be desired. I also remember the movement being rather stiff, but I spent months playing this game and look forward to doing so again with Steem! This game can be found on Automation CD # 464a
Violent_Cat wrote ...2004-08-16 11:12:58
Another great game from "Silmarils" i liked it very much great graphics and sounds and good scrolling too
wIZBURF wrote ...2004-08-03 10:56:11
memories.... I remember calling the other Silmarils "Thargan in space", Thargan in the Far west"...
BlueMak wrote ...2004-05-31 02:30:11
LOOOOONG LOAD TIMES. Great graphics, good sound, good gameplay but also frustrating. Very difficult game. Just a few save points that you can save the game...of course with Steem this is not a problem anymore. It's an action adventure , think of Barbarian + Tomb Raider only 2D, with better graphics and well, better game :-) Silmarils is/was a great company. Oh, and if my memory serves me right, this game is also playable with a monochrome monitor.
Danamir wrote ...2002-03-13 17:28:18
argh! i can only remember the musics, and the sound he made when slashing ^^ something like "hueaa!"