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UN Squadron
Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Tiertex
Year of release: 1990

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Genres : Coin-op Conversion / Shoot-em-up

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ST Format
# 17 - Dec 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

stoopidmonkey wrote ...2006-12-19 09:40:56
I love to play this game why I wait for my 360 to load demos and movies! >:]
bazfan wrote ...2004-07-25 22:40:37
this was a complete shambles on the st, if i had not played it on mame, i may have agreed with the other comments, but this on st is slow and jerky, a shootem'up , need that, it does not , hmmmm
Craig Morris wrote ...2003-12-23 04:47:21
UN Squadron was a top shoot-em-up on the SNES and judging by the comment below I too felt that ST Format were too harsh in their reviews. I came to the conclusion that they were really Amiga owners and didnt judge the ST versions on their own merit.
SaTcom2 wrote ...2003-11-10 03:18:50
What's up with the ST Format rating? That is just way out of line. This game is awesome, just play it and you'll see. I just bought an original copy of it from a dealer this week because I used to like playing my pirate copy so much back in the day and want to own the real game finally. This game, Silkworm, SWIV, and Wings of Death are my favorites for ST shooting games. I belatedly award ST Format a 53% for their ability to rate games accurately.
The Estee wrote ...2002-11-12 10:03:01
At the time, this game was as good as anything on the NES or SMS. I still play it on the old ST. It could be a bit longer, though. That's the only drawback: it's too short.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-07-29 04:05:32
A decent arace conversion. Not as smooth as the arcade machine but anyway a nice shooter. Gameplay and enemies seem to be the same as on the arcade machine as far as I've played the ST version. Give it a try - much better than many other horizontal scrolling shooters on the ST.
K.T wrote ...2002-02-14 07:21:42
Tiertex did a credible job with this conversion of UN Squadron. Faithful graphics and good speed makes this one great fun to play.
venny wrote ...2001-11-09 14:21:22
the best arcade flight-fight scroller since r-type...excellentai