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Weird Dreams
Publisher: Rainbird     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Weird Dreams Click here to listen to the music from Weird Dreams on-line
Genres : Action / Puzzle
Artist : Herman Serrano    

Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of ST/Amiga Format
ST/Amiga Format
# 13 - Jul 89
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The One
# 9 - Jun 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

wIZBURF wrote ...2004-08-03 11:00:19
It is a pity the authors never released a solution to that game. A pity as well "timing" had so much to do in the game, because most times you had the solution but couldn't manage to perform the right moves due to lack of precision...
Violent_Cat wrote ...2004-07-23 09:28:18
Wow that game is something so wierd too who ever made this one got what he wanted thats for sure i remember the level in the garden with the little girl at the start she look like a normal harmless little girl but when she pulled her knife and cut you up well... thats another story!
Marchocias wrote ...2004-07-17 04:33:28
Did anybody ever work out how to get past the little psycho girl with the man-eating soccer ball? You could only throw the ball back to her so many times before it ate you, and if you didn't throw it away she stabbed you with a carving knife! Even the cheat mode was weird - to get infinite lives you had to walk as far as possible into the right-hand mirror in the starting room without going through it, then tap out "SOS" in morse code on the help key!
Neal Holton wrote ...2004-06-12 17:45:20
When this appeared on a Saturday morning kids TV show, i was amazed by the graphics, but when i played it for myself, i found the gameplay was less than enthralling! A case of 'looks' over 'substance'???
Buchaka wrote ...2003-06-07 13:24:37
Please!!! where is the cheat mode? I need it!! perhaps a trained version? where?
guy ross wrote ...2003-05-04 15:15:41
I don't get it.
Anthony McKissick wrote ...2003-03-19 12:59:48
Man I loved this game. I spent many hours trying to beat theis game over 15 years ago. The crazy thing about this game was the big bee and using the fish to slap the stone walkers. AAAAH the memories! Got to love the ST!
Casey Monroe wrote ...2003-01-28 17:55:29
There's a CHEAT mode?
Rico wrote ...2002-05-25 11:38:56
This game scared the crap out of me as a kid, hehe. It's quite sick :)
Feige wrote ...2002-02-20 09:26:20
That's what I call an original game idea; each screen has a completely new problem which is to solve. I never knew how to get past that little girl, but thanks to the cheat-mode ;-) ...
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-16 01:24:39
Yeah cool wierd stuff. I did find that i got stuck alot though. I would have liked to see all the wierd stuff.
David Vaughan wrote ...2001-12-07 23:59:44
The first time I played this game, I didn't know where to go on the other levels I can get to. I like it when I die and the guy yells. The way he yells sounds very funny. Even my mom asks me to put this game on so she can hear the guy. This is a pretty neat game to play if you like seeing weird stuff.
Tim Furze wrote ...2001-11-06 16:43:28
great game, its a classic, but also quite challengeing, and belive it or not, quite wierd.