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East vs. West Berlin
Publisher: Rainbow Arts     Developer: Time Warp Productions
Year of release: 1990

Box scan missing - can you help? Screen Shot Required Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Martin S. Thoresen wrote ...2002-01-29 14:23:03
Personal review: Well, I found this game to be quite enjoyable, actually. You play an CIA agent, that has to search the entire city of Berlin for a nuclear bomb. This task is made even harder by the fact that this is the year 1948! Incredibly wast playing area, I think they've recreated EVERY street in Berlin, and you have total freedom of where you want to go or what you want to do. Which of course also make this a very difficult game, and I have to agree that the constant disc-acessing is quite annoying. Graphics are nice, and the inside view of the buildings remind me a bit of Pizza Tycoon actually. But the plot is good, and if you can stand the dead-times (The game plays in real-time), you will find a nice thriller-adventure lurking inside.
Martin S. Thoresen wrote ...2002-01-29 14:11:33
ST Action summary: There are some good ideas contained within East Vs West such as the film sequence which involves the computer to provide the visuals and an audio tape to provide the narration. The sequence is much too long, though, and the loading time is extremely annoying. The actual game has some atmospheric graphics but suffers from no sound. There seems to be a lot of depth to East Vs West if you have the patience to explore the game to its full extent - which most people didn't. Rating = 47 %