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Publisher: UBI Soft     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1991

Box scan missing - can you help? Unreal Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Action / Fantasy / Shoot-em-up

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The One
# 23 - Aug 90
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ST Format
# 34 - May 92

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Jo Pepper wrote ...2004-05-25 18:01:55
Converted to the Mac since both Atari And Amiga Disapear from the landscape, I’de never seen such machines, powerfull (in their time), they were such an alternative to the darkside PCs… But Finaly… I can play Unreal tournment on my G4 Titanium Mac! I’m thinking about finding my old Atari ST (Boosted with Extra RAM Memory)… And Maybe some games… Lets see… And remember old good times!
Sokaret wrote ...2003-04-15 11:38:13
The 2D scenes are great but the 3D are slowly and difficult to see anything on screen. The PC /amiga is better.
guy ross wrote ...2003-03-05 18:38:12
I was going to say.... Ask me in (another) ten years time what i think of unreal and I'll go on and on about sniping, cool atmosphere and running away from the aliens like a girl (who runs away from things).... But I was quite disappointed by this game - another psygnosis amiga conversion (I think it was after KGS (which was a good conversion (as was awesome).. or was it?).. But no, not alot of effort went into what was a cool looking amiga game.
Tony McChrystal wrote ...2002-05-26 19:21:23
I'm guessing this isn't a forerunner to Unreal & Unreal tournament on PC? Graphics look good though! (for an ST game)