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Fate - Gates of Dawn
Publisher: reLINE     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1991

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

ichichich75 wrote ...2005-12-12 06:51:10
So little comments for the best RPG ever made for the ST? That's a pitty. I played the game for so many months and never got bored. I spent weeks over at a friends in the summer break who played the game on his Amiga. This way we could exchange our experiences and help each other. The dimensions of this game are impressive, even for todays standards. You walk 1st person through a really huge world with several towns and villages, masses of different creatures, day/night changes, weather influences, in the towns you'll find pubs, hotels, banks, healers, shops, smiths, guilds, subway stations (!) and so on. Hundreds of weapons, many many dungeons that go up to 7 levels deep, you can travel by ship... The world of fate is huge and there is so much to explore. Okay, the NPC's are not animated, there is no animation when you fight, but at least you can see the enemy coming towards you from far away (like in Dungeon Master), and they do not just suddenly appear. Okay, from the inside, the towns, the "buildings" are always just plain wooden walls with plain wooden doors, no windows at all. Quite ugly. But making up for this, the dungeons and especially the landscape are much better. The game can be installed to hard disk. The Amiga graphics are just a little bit better than on the ST as much as I remember. Much better are the sounds on the Amiga. The title music is completly missing on the ST, and even the in-game-sounds are by far richer on the Amiga, although the ST uses digi sounds, too. Still it is a very good role play game, and from its concept by far better than many PC RPG's. If you like RPG's, play this game!
Hans Huber wrote ...2002-03-22 05:24:42
I played this game for a long time, but never finished it. It worked well with my VGA Card (ET4000) built into my Mega ST 4. There were some bugs in the game, but it was fun playing it. You have a very large world with cities, dungeons and so on.