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BSS Jane Seymour Federation Quest 1
Publisher: Gremlin Graphics     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1990

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Genres : Roleplaying / Sci-fi

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ST Format
# 16 - Nov 90

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Mento wrote ...2004-06-21 14:56:41
My mum loved this game, she made maps of all the different levels. It was basically Dungeon Master in space, where the floors were ship levels and the monsters were aliens. I think the point was to restore key systems on each floor of the ship, making sure to conserve ammo and replensihed enegery when needed. The only thing scarier than some of the aliens in that game are the same aliens after the ship's light system has blacked out.
Martin Sutcliffe wrote ...2003-12-09 18:14:28
BSS Jane Seymour can be found on automation disk 371 b & 371 c
Tom Wellicome wrote ...2003-02-28 16:53:49
Quite similar to Captive in a way, but with more cartoony graphics. The disc version drove me nuts with some horrendous loading times though that's not likely to bother emulator users.
Martin S. Thoresen wrote ...2002-04-05 15:08:55
ST Action Summary: Gremlin have produced some really good games of late and Jane Seymour is no exception. Based in a similar style to the classic Dungeon Master, that is the 3D adventure, it's bound to appeal to the majority of gamesplayers out there. The game contains lots of locations to visit and plenty of monsters to contend with. The task will certainly be a long-term one and will probably take some time to complete. A nice game indeed. RATING = 86 %