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The Adventures of Maddog Williams in the Dungeons of Duridian
Publisher: SMG     Developer: Gamecrafters
Year of release: 1991

Box scan missing - can you help? Screen Shot Required Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Graphical Adventure

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ST Format
# 28 - Nov 91

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Matt Bailey wrote ...2006-03-13 08:59:33
This game was Fab! I got a demo from STA & was hooked straight off. The story is good, the graphics are okay, the music is original & the gameplay diverse. I love Maddog, great memories... BONUS!!! Game Crafters will now let you download a DOS version for FREE from their site!!!
Carl619 wrote ...2004-09-25 15:32:18
i used to have this on a demo. it wos good from wot i remember, i wos only 5!!! the opening part when u get out of bed is the best part IMO.
Mento wrote ...2004-06-21 11:34:45
A huge game (6 discs), I never got anywhere with it. I remember it having it's own sword-fighting system though, which was pretty cool for a point-and-click.
John Garry Clark wrote ...2003-09-13 10:19:31
What an old classic ................ one of my fav's from when i was about 11 years old. This is a game i'm on the hunt for now i have resently obtained an st.