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Ignore PD/Shareware games
Space Thrust
Publisher: PD / Shareware     Developer: Kieren Hawken
Year of release: 1992

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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ST Format
# 37 - Aug 92

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Sard wrote ...2007-02-14 04:56:54
Yep you are not the first he's ripped off Kay... This guy (aka Mr Kizza) is a serial Walter Mitty character. Got caught out trying to make claim to a dozen or so ZX spectrum games on the Atari Age forums. When that was found to be a crock of s**t we started to take a look at "his" list of ST titles , which leads us here. 4 out of 6 are DEFIANTLY not his ... 1 looks seriously suspect (full price commercial title written when he was 11..?) and the last seems lost in time and space. Can't prove he didn't write it (yet) but I bet my hat and cloak that he can't prove he did. The entire list is a Kieren Hawken fantasy...Bit like his life :)
KayDownes wrote ...2007-01-18 19:47:57
Yes it was writen by me!! I still have the scource on disk somewhere too!! and probbly the pages and pages of handwritten code! Kay Downes
Sard wrote ...2006-09-13 13:06:36
This game WAS NOT written by Kieren Hawken , but by a lady called Kay Downes who posted the review scan. Mr Hawken is Falsely claiming games on this site !!! (See Classic Invaders - QuizMaster 1.2) Of the 6 games he is claiming on this site this is the 3rd (so far) that have been PROVED to be untrue. Remove this mans claims untill he comes up with an ounce of proof to support anything he makes claim to !