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Ignore PD/Shareware games
Publisher: PD / Shareware     Developer: Sinister Developments
Year of release: 1992

Box scan missing - can you help? Centipede Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

sicknote wrote ...2007-02-19 13:35:18
I remember playing this firstly on the atari vcs(2600). Being astounded by all the noisy beeps and burbles it was throwing out at me and the ever changing colors of the on screen action. The atari manual was written quite well to grab you into the game , it went something like this. You are a magical elf living in a garden of serenity, untill (you guessed) a dark cloud in the shape of giant spiders descended from the heavens above, suddenly a deathening screech of a flea homing in on you, Oh yeah then a scorpion manages to scurrry by poisning all mushrooms in its bath (indestructable mushrooms too btw).Then the mother of all bugs, the centipede attacks.Oh well as for the game.fantastic,simple playable and rumour as it thats its being made for xbox live, hopefully am as good at this game than what i boast to be, otherwise its bottom of the leaderboard for me. hahahahaha
Steve Klose wrote ...2004-01-18 16:10:12
This was a great game when it first came out. We used to go to the arcade every day just to play it. thanx for making a pc version
Dma-Sc wrote ...2003-11-06 08:59:34
A really good version of this classic.
st-reviewer wrote ...2003-04-06 11:30:59
Sinister do it again, though this really should have been called millipede becos theres far more meanies on this than in the original centipede, which only had the centipede,spider,flea and scorpion....
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-01-09 16:33:21
Centipede can be found on Lemmings compact disk 21, Adrenalin compact disk 31, Superior compact disk 141B and D-Bug compact disk 111.
bazfan wrote ...2002-11-12 16:54:49
the follow up MILLIPEDE is even better, though the official Atari version,is crap to the max
bazfan wrote ...2001-12-29 18:03:04
This is a hardcore shootem'up of the highest order, i love this version of centipede, as well as the atari vcs version, and the arcade version.Anyone guess i like centipede yet.....