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Chase HQ
Publisher: Ocean     Developer: Unknown
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Chase HQ Click here to listen to the music from Chase HQ on-line
Genres : Coin-op Conversion / Racing
Musician : Jonathan Dunn    

Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of The One
The One
# 16 - Jan 90
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ST Format
# 7 - Feb 90
There is a sequel to this game called Chase HQ 2 Special Criminal Investigation

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Bazfan is an asshole wrote ...2003-07-29 08:07:25
I do declare Bazfan is a big fat cock who spoils everything for everybody. F**k off Bazfan.
simchevelu wrote ...2003-05-13 06:19:47
it was one of my favorite car games on st. But, gosh it was very difficult to complete. I spent so many hours on it in order to finish it.... never managed.
Casey Monroe wrote ...2003-01-28 18:29:53
... What?
bazfan wrote ...2003-01-10 18:16:05
hit me wanker, do it, do it now, asshole, or never shame the st with ur pathetic ramblings and useless info again
bazfan wrote ...2003-01-10 18:14:44
david vaughan, you are a prick, a social misfit, a whacko.if we want to know where to find the games we'd look at the relic, end off, u r a sad bastard.hit me
David Vaughan wrote ...2003-01-09 18:17:42
I remember playing Chase HQ so much when I was little back in 1989. I was six at that time and I did very good at driving games like this. Since I got the chance to play this game again on the Atari ST emulation, it brought me back so many memories. I remembered the different things the guy says at the beginning of the level. They were, "Let's go, Mr. Driver!" "Heya boy!" and "Hold on, man!" Those were the three things I remembered most about the game. The voices were done very well for the game too. If you like driving games, this is the best one on the Atari ST. I also heard that there's a sequal to this game called "Chase HQ II: Special Criminal Investigation. I've never played the sequal but I will someday and try it out. Chase HQ can be found on Automation compact disk 196, Flame of Finland (FOF) compact disk 14, Fuzion compact disk 12 and Medway Boys compact disk 57.
bazfan wrote ...2002-09-26 16:31:08
dont knock the speccy.as for chase hq on the st,well the amiga was'nt any faster i can tell ya.I bought this at budget price and felt well ripped off, so anybody who payed full whack,my heart goes out to you.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2002-08-11 04:50:44
Speccy version? Lol, I'll try that then. The ST version wasn't that good. Played it once or twice but I wasn't convinced that this game is worth playing. Graphics look acceptable for ST standards btw., although game itself is a little bit laggy.
Darkbee wrote ...2002-05-18 09:10:57
Like so many others I was sorely dissapointed at the conversion of this game from the arcades. The frame rate was poor, the sound wasn't as good. To be fair the hardware found at home perhaps wasn't up to the job. I would only play this game for nostalgic reasons because otherwise it just reminds me of what could have been. (sad but true the good ol' speccy version seemed to play faster!)
Peter de Man wrote ...2002-04-25 06:39:58
I played this game at the arcade halls, I loved it. racing and banging criminal cars;) yea.. spend a lot of coins there. Finaly when I got it on my Atari it was a bit disapointing...the framerate is too slow to realy get into the action of the game.. I was more concentrating on where the road and cars where going. but maybe on a emulator it runs better? never tried that. the game is fun only performance is (was?) a problem.
Richard Brown wrote ...2002-02-10 16:59:23
this game was awful awful awful.....
Tony Villa wrote ...2002-02-02 09:21:06
Don't know if anyone can remember, but screenshots of the ST version were doing the rounds from mid '89 in the likes of C+VG etc...but they were nothing like what the final game looked like. I was very disappointed with this when I paid £20 for it in '89...but now...the tears well in the eyes, and that is what emulation is all about!
DreamCaster wrote ...2001-12-12 06:25:11
One of the best arcade classics ever relesed. No doubt.
alan wrote ...2001-11-11 12:57:56
this is one cool driving game :) nearlly as cool as sci.