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Enchanted Land
Publisher: Thalion     Developer: Thalion
Year of release: 1990

Box scan missing - can you help? Enchanted Land Click here to listen to the music from Enchanted Land on-line
Genres : Action / Platform / Shoot-em-up

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ST Format
# 20 - Mar 91

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

bazfan wrote ...2004-03-03 12:08:06
i can see where u guys are coming from, but an amiga beater, NO WAY.
Buchaka wrote ...2004-02-04 13:24:16
it proved that the amiga wasn´t so superior... Thalion games ruled!!!
David Vaughan wrote ...2004-01-01 19:43:04
Enchanted Land can be found on Superior compact disk 55.
Johnix wrote ...2002-07-29 08:43:00
This game was terrific => so pretty gfx....very good 9/10 But can't find the rom......... :(
Feige wrote ...2002-02-20 10:54:50
Truly the very best jump'n'run on the ST!!! The Giana Sister were also great, but not with that great Mad Max music, Tanis and ES graphics and Nick coding...but not only does it beat the hell out of the ST, it is so much fun playing it! By the way: I think the collision detection is OK. What else? Ah yes, it is still better than any platformer I know on the SNES.
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-24 19:02:32
ok, ok... the intro DID have parallax (just played it :p ) .. I bow my head in shame, matt taylor.
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-24 18:59:12
Oh... by the way.. it didn't have parallax scrolling.. just good use of rasters (colour bars.. whatever you want to call them).. but it did look good. It was the showcase (for me) that beast was on the amiga.. only this was (is) fun to play... :)
guy ross wrote ...2002-01-06 13:54:18
somone must've said to TCB "you can't do 16 colour multi-directional hard scroll in a game on an STFM", so they did. For a change it was bloody brilliant fun to play too! It's nice when games come out on your machine that are this good. Praise the lord for The (megamighty) CareBears! (where are they now?)
Matt Taylor wrote ...2001-11-08 09:18:54
Released a little late in the ST's life for most peoples memories, this title is perhaps THE best platformer on the system. Gorgeous parallax scrolling and beautiful sprites are just the icing on the cake when playing this wondrful game. Huge in depth and playabilty make sure this is first on your list of downloads. Just try to ignore the shaky collision detection, ok? 9/10