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Publisher: Hewson     Developer: Not Applicable
Year of release: 1987

Box scan missing - can you help? Exolon Click here to listen to the music from Exolon on-line
Genres : Action / Platform / Shoot-em-up
Musician : J. Dave Rogers     Artist : Gary P Felix     Programmer : Martin J Bysh    

Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of The One
The One
# 1 - Oct 88
Click here to see other games reviewed in this issue of ST Action
ST Action
# 7 - Nov 88

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

bazfan wrote ...2009-06-23 18:20:51
I didnt think it was too bad a game, it was a bit slow for a shooting/platform game and the scrolling was dire, but the music (for an st) wasnt bad.
Bill Hiss wrote ...2007-07-08 04:26:48
Exolon was a great game on the Spectrum, but on the ST it doesn't do it for me. If extra features had been added it'd have been better.
BlueMak wrote ...2004-05-23 22:26:45
One of my favourite side scrolling shoot em ups/platform games. I think I first played it on a PC in 1986 or early 1987 just a couple of weeks before I bought my first ST. On the ST except from the graphics that IIRC had better graphics, the sound was good for the time. I LOOOOOOVVEEEEED the music. It has one of the best IMO music tracks in any game till today. A good game though hard, though fair! I miss those years :-(
Martin Sutcliffe wrote ...2004-01-28 11:56:21
Automation 30
Tomasz wrote ...2002-02-16 20:10:59
A true classics! Initally developed for the 8-Bit computers by our beloved Hewson company (Yup, those guys who made cybernoid and nebulus). The ST version was very well workshipped, with great sound and a hard - but fair gameplay. There was just one major flaw: No scrolling.
Hyrax wrote ...2002-01-16 00:16:37
yeah that was wicked!
adrian lovatt wrote ...2001-12-11 10:21:27
A great platform-shooter, spent many hours working through the levels. anyone remember the exoskeleton - gives you an extra life and double barrel gun!
Rubén R. Nielpha wrote ...2001-12-11 07:10:03
Yeah! I remember the teleporters and the funny walk-anim of the spaceman