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Ignore PD/Shareware games
Publisher: PD / Shareware     Developer: Animal Software
Year of release: 1992

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Genres : Action / Roleplaying

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ST Format
# 36 - Jul 92

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

A nameless horror wrote ...2006-12-24 15:14:10
Now this was a rarity - a console-style RPG on the ST. In this game the Swocki and Galluk races are at war, and the Federation have voted to step in and sort it out. As Commander Tsin-Fei, your job is to go on a reconnaisance to the planet Tafoi to find out what's going on and hopefully prevent the need for full-scale military action. The battle system plays a bit like Dragon Warrior on the NES, but instead of equipping weapons you choose them from a list. The graphics are a little unpolished in places(it was a PD release after all) and it could've done with a few more sound effects, but all praise to Animal Soft for doing something different. Might get round to finishing it someday. Oh, and it's on Dbug disk 156.