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Fire and Forget
Publisher: Titus     Developer: Titus Interactive
Year of release: 1989

Box scan missing - can you help? Fire and Forget Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Action / Racing / Shoot-em-up

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ST Action
# 5 - Sep 88
There is a sequel to this game called Fire and Forget 2 The Death Convoy

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

BlueMak wrote ...2004-07-03 21:25:06
I was the only one who liked this game among my friends. I found it very cool the way you could transform to a plane and back to the buggy. Shooting and racing at the same time! Yeah! Good graphics too for the time. I think I actualy managed to finish the game though I am not sure, so many years ago lol
David Vaughan wrote ...2002-01-20 18:56:53
I remembered playing this game back when I was six. I liked the game so much. Since I found this game, I played it so many times and got better and better at it. This game may seem hard for beginners but not for me. I still play this game today because it brings me back a lot of memories when I was little.
Matthias Arndt wrote ...2001-11-24 16:18:14
the "Forget" in the name is the only real thing here. FORGET THIS CRAP GAME. Too hard and too fast. I read a review of the bad Amiga version bad the ST versions seems to top that. Go get Roadblasters which is similar but much better,