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Ghostbusters 2
Publisher: Activision     Developer: The Oliver Twins
Year of release: 1989

Click here to see the box of this game on-line Ghostbusters 2 Game music missing - can you help?
Genres : Action / Movie License

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ST Format
# 7 - Feb 90

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Nosd wrote ...2005-12-26 20:11:28
a very great game
Steve Hall wrote ...2003-09-11 17:32:02
I tried so many times to kill vigo at the end, after finishing Janoz, but i never managed it.... Got the game in the Hollywood games comp (robocop batman Indy and GB2)
Sam Pointer wrote ...2003-02-07 10:42:59
I remember that hand too. Actually got to the stage where you control the whole team and abseil into the museum to rescue Dana's son. Never manager to complete it - probably distracted by that "you are like the buzzing of flies to him" sample playing constantly. I used to boot this up just to show-off that my computer could play music. As I remeber it there were 2 floppies for this, one for the intro and another for the game!
Syborg wrote ...2002-12-03 10:32:11
I wanted this game to be so good, but it was just too damn hard! That stupid hand would always cut through my rope :-(
Fenix wrote ...2002-11-14 20:09:48
The music and the sound is good, but the game is boring. I managed to complete it once..
Tomasz wrote ...2002-02-19 09:40:40
Oh... I remember this game, the sound and the graphics were really nice, but you should actually just watch this game, don't dare to start playing, because it has a really boring gameplay and it is way to hard. ohhh... what a pitty..... I like the move, ya know...