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Hard Drivin' 2: Drive Harder
Publisher: Domark     Developer: Tengen
Year of release: 1991

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Genres : This game has not been classified yet

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The One
# 28 - Jan 91
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ST Format
# 21 - Apr 91

» Atari ST CD-Roms available for download from only $2 «


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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

GozZilla wrote ...2004-02-21 19:07:09
No, id be still happy with just hearing a cow moo, once you mow it down with your car.
Mark Ashford wrote ...2003-04-16 07:47:17
He he, true! To think we were impressed by a mooing cow back then ... Nowadays it'd have to be motion-captured and would have to bleed realistically on the windscreen when you hit it!
guy ross wrote ...2003-04-11 19:43:35
Ah the cow... It moo'ed when you hit it. I now remember why I liked the hard drivin' series.
Mark Ashford wrote ...2001-11-07 06:25:20
I remember playing this for hours, mainly because it came with a level editor which let you do pretty much anything. You want to put a cow in the middle of a loop the loop, go ahead! It also saved a ghost replay of your best laps so you always had something to try and beat. The only downside I can remember is that you had to use the mouse to drive, but apart from that this was great!