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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade The Action Game
Publisher: US Gold     Developer: Tiertex
Year of release: 1989

Box scan missing - can you help? Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade The Action Game Click here to listen to the music from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade The Action Game on-line
Genres : Action / Movie License

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ST Format
# 2 - Sep 89

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small ST picture raytraced by Rich Davey 2001

Howard John Dell wrote ...2010-04-04 09:15:10
I remember the Commodore Amiga version very well. Great presentation! Fantastic on both machines!!
Matt_B wrote ...2006-09-05 06:53:05
This game came in the bundle with my STE, so I played it a bit and even got to the end. It wasn't a great game though; the graphics were quite nice in parts (the first and third levels were the best) but primative in others (especially the final level) and played quite sluggishly compared to other platformers on the ST. It was also very unforgiving with a high frustration factor.
JOJO33 wrote ...2004-10-10 21:39:03
very cooll ;-)
Johnvv wrote ...2004-08-13 09:18:51
As far as I can remember this game was crap. I loved its adventure counterpart though....
AJ Perkins wrote ...2003-01-26 11:58:20
This game was quite addictive, and as far as i can remember it came free with my atari, as a pack of other games, and it was really good at the time although the whip was quite hard to control....
ManTra wrote ...2002-01-03 05:05:33
Very Nice game, good graphics and very playable, music is the standard Indy ditty. I had a lot of fun with this, we used to change the graphics , wich was possible because the graphics we're just PI1's. Gave the Nazi'z giant heads, attach the head of Indy onto his whip and so on. A good time was had by all! :)